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Article: In the beginning there were camps - our history.

Na początku były obozy - nasza historia.

In the beginning there were camps - our history.

The project was created during one of our private ski tours, somewhere between Hala Kondratowa and Kasprowy Wierch. We felt that the power of endorphins and fatigue allowed us to move mountains. Literally and figuratively.

When writing the project, we mean the organization of women's mini sports camps - ski touring and cycling. Those who have been with us from the beginning know that it took place when each of us was still professionally somewhere else and the camps were just an addition to do something for ourselves and at the same time meet a lot of interesting women who would like to share our teasers with us. It quickly turned out to be a hit and more and more of you started arriving. Too many for the available places at the camp :D We wanted each of you to feel a sense of belonging to our crazy community of women, not only by participating in the trip.

It all started with a call Kama made to Lucy a few years ago - Lucy! How about we start making clothes? All the girls from our cycling camp are asking if the T-shirts they received as gifts will be on sale... Let's do it! - Lucyna agreed, the brand was created, and the girls lived happily ever after!

Haha! We would like it to end this way. But this is not a fairy tale, it is a story about our lives! It's true that we live happily, but that doesn't mean that there are no ups and downs... But we'll tell you about it someday, we promise! But for now, let's focus on The Love Love Life. We want to show you what our brand is, how it is created, where, when, from what and why, but for this purpose we invite you to our next post, and in this one see what our trips have looked like so far :) Enjoy!

Our first camp, Zakopane, 2019. Beautiful and young, right?

And this is not our last word on the subject of camps! Follow us on Instagram! From time to time we will organize trips again where we can meet, laugh, have fun, go on ski tours, make masks, drink wine in the shelter and be late for morning yoga!